HIS Beauty & Creation - Figured Walnut Wood Wall Cross
HIS Beauty & Creation - Figured Walnut Wood Wall Cross
HIS Beauty & Creation - Figured Walnut Wood Wall Cross
HIS Beauty & Creation - Figured Walnut Wood Wall Cross
HIS Beauty & Creation - Figured Walnut Wood Wall Cross
HIS Beauty & Creation - Figured Walnut Wood Wall Cross
HIS Beauty & Creation - Figured Walnut Wood Wall Cross

HIS Beauty & Creation - Figured Walnut Wood Wall Cross

Regular price $78.95
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My Scripture Inspiration:

He has made everything beautiful in its time - Ecclesiastes 3:11 (NIV)
And God saw everything that He had made and behold, it was very good - Genesis 1:31 (ESV )


HIS Beauty and Creation - Figured Walnut Wood Wall Cross has an incredible blend of dark brown, green, gold and tan grain colors. 

These beautiful Crosses are constructed using either Traditional (Solid Wood Cross Beam & Vertical Beam) or Bookmatched (Wood is sawn in half creating a mirror image) construction.

Every Walnut Cross will be completed using matching Walnut trim, sanded to 3000 grit and finished with a Hard Wax Oil. (Take a look at the Video in Pictures!)

Available in 12" and 18" sizes. This wood is a great example of the beauty and uniqueness of the wood.  

Each HIS Beauty and Creation Cross offers unique insight into the Lord's creation.  

Product Features:

  • WOOD:  Figured Walnut
  • WOOD TRIM:   Walnut
  • SANDING:  Hand sanded to 3000 grit
  • FINISH:  Hand Waxed Oil
  • WALL HANGER:  D Ring or Heavy Duty Saw Tooth Hanger
  • UNIQUE CONSTRUCTION FEATURE:  Sanding to 3000 grit brings out subtle shades, colors, grain detail and depth that are normally not seen 

Product Details:

  • SIZES:  12" and 18" Heights 
  • WEIGHT:  12" - less than 1 lb.   18" - Less than 2 lbs.

Why such Unique Crosses

to help many

Whether Solid in your Faith, completely unfamiliar with HIM or somewhere in-between...these inspired Crosses are meant for ALL of the above.

1. HE gives me HOPE!

2. I thought you might need this.

3. Did you see what HE created?

the truth

HE is the light


A Small Village in N. Michigan

Where I'm located



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Working for HIM!